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Rich in biodiversity and filled with captivating sights and sounds, Brazil’s charm eludes the written word. The many extravagant festivals, or festas, dazzle throughout the year, as does the awe-inspiring Cristo Redentor that overlooks Rio De Janeiro. The mighty Amazon teems with wildlife, and is host to adventure-seekers all over the world. Brazil is loud, colourful – and downright irresistible.
All Cities in Brazil
- Alta Floresta
- Altamira
- Aracaju
- Aracati
- Araguaína
- Araxá
- Araçatuba
- Bagé
- Barcelos
- Barra do Garças
- Belem
- Belo Horizonte
- Boa Vista
- Bonito
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- Cabo Frio
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- Campo Grande
- Campo Mourão
- Campos dos Goytacazes
- Canarana
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- Coari
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- Cruzeiro do Sul
- Cuiaba
- Curitiba
- Divinópolis
- Eirunepé
- Fernando de Noronha
- Florianopolis
- Fortaleza
- Goiania
- Goianá
- Governador Valadares
- Guarapuava
- Icarai
- Iguassu Falls
- Ilheus
- Ipatinga
- Itaituba
- Jericoacoara
- Ji-Paraná
- Joao Pessoa
- Joinville
- Juazeiro do Norte
- Labrea
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- Macapa
- Maceio
- Manaus
- Marabá
- Marilia
- Maringa
- Monte Alegre
- Montes Claros
- Mossoro
- Natal
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- Parnaíba
- Passo Fundo
- Pato Branco
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- Pontes e Lacerda
- Porto Alegre
- Porto Seguro
- Porto Velho
- Presidente Prudente
- Recife
- Ribeirao Preto
- Rio Branco
- Rio Grande
- Rio de Janeiro
- Rondonopolis
- Salvador
- Santarem
- Santo Ângelo
- Sao Jose do Rio Preto
- Sao Luis
- Sao Paulo
- Senhor do Bonfim
- São Borja
- São Félix Do Araguaia
- Tabatinga
- Tefé
- Teresina
- Uberaba
- Uberlandia
- Uruguaiana
- Valença
- Varginha
- Vilhena
- Água Boa
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